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by Harriet Garbutt

“The principles of flow and circulation throughout the home are ones which have an everyday impact on how you move through and experience space. The staircase, the heart (or spine) of the home, is one way an architect can approach the need to reconfigure detached and awkward spaces to allow a more fluid sense of movement and procession.

Through a careful balance of re-levelling floor plates and ensuring a comfortable cadence ascending a stair flight, we can mitigate Victorian hang ups of protruding bulkheads and disjointed split levels. By doing so, the alterations and extensions to your home will feel tied back together to the body, enhancing a sense of cohesion throughout.

As we begin the detailed design of the staircase, a whole new language of scotias, stringers and spindles will determine whether the staircase will be sympathetic to its humble Victorian beginnings, or if it will be a feat of structural engineering and effortlessly float between each floor. We work with incredibly skilled craftsmen to fine tune the details to not only ensure functionality but also create an elegant and bespoke object that winds its way through your home.

We have designed and installed timber stairs which seamlessly match the tone of your parquet flooring; handrails that fit perfectly the profile of your grip; stairs whose spindles are powder coated a delicious pale green to match bespoke glazing and folded metal balustrades which are so precise they resemble origami. From initial concepts through to construction on site, we meticulously revisit and finetune to ensure once installed, the staircase stands proud within the home.”